Sunday 24 May 2015


Causes and Symptoms of Brain Cancer

The brain is the most important organ in your body.  It maintains optimal performance of your body’s systems – down to the operation of every cell and drop of blood.

When a patient hears the term “tumor” in combination with their brain, there is instant panic and fear.  Even a benign (non-cancerous) tumor in the brain can interrupt key functions of your central nervous system depending on the location and mass.

A tumor that develops in the brain first is called a primary tumor.  These can form in the actual brain tissue or near the brain in nerves, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, or in the membrane casing that covers the brain.

Cancer that begins elsewhere in the body and spreads to the brain is known as secondary or metastatic.  This is the most common form of brain cancer and is usually diagnosed in those who have had some form of cancer in the past.  Typical cancers that metastasize to the brain most often are breast, colorectal, kidney, lung and melanoma (the most severe form of skin cancer).

Symptoms of a Brain Tumor

Sudden headaches or changes in your personal headache patterns
Gradual worsening of severity of headaches
Steady increase in the number of headaches
Difficulty with balance, dizziness, or nausea (possibly with vomiting)
Vision impairment such as blurred sight, double vision, or changes in peripheral vision
Hearing impairment
Numbness, lack of mobility, or loss of sensation in limbs
Confusion or inability to recall common tasks, people, or things
Changes in personality, behavior and mood

Top 3 Primary Risk Factors for Brain Cancer

Age: Your risk for all cancer (including brain cancer) increases as you age.  More than 75% of all cancers are diagnosed after the age of 55.  However, there are specific types of rare tumors that are exclusive to children.

Family History: If someone in your family has had a brain tumor, it increases your risk.  However, the number of brain tumors linked to family history is miniscule.

Radiation: Yes, as one of the top three traditional treatments for cancer (along with surgery and chemotherapy), radiation therapy increases your risk of brain cancer.  This includes radiation from cell phones!

Naturally, there are other risks that include lifestyle choices (smoking and drinking), environmental pollutants, heavy metal toxicity, severe inflammation and chronic infection.

However, age, family history, and radiation treatments (to “cure” your cancer) are what put you at the highest risk of developing a cancerous tumor in your brain.

Hope Never Lose Hope

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle to prevent disease is the best course of action for total body health.  However, if you are diagnosed with brain cancer, consider all your options.

Alternative treatments such as the use of Essiac tea, Hoxsey tea, hemp, herbal remedies, hyperthermia, and oxygen therapies (just to name a few) should definitely be considered.  Interestingly, these “alternative” therapies have been used for thousands of years, so by definition, they are actually “traditional.”

Traditional treatments for brain cancer depend on where the tumor is located, how large the mass is, and if it can be reached safely.  Oncologists rely almost exclusively on the “Big 3” (surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation), despite the fact that radiation is one of the causes of brain cancer.  Surprisingly, these “traditional” treatments have been around for less than a century and their success rate is less than 5%, so they should really be referred to as “alternative” treatments.

Complementary/Integrative treatment includes methodology such as acupuncture and meditation to control the side effects of the “Big 3” treatments and have shown excellent results.  Cancer immunotherapy is also a cutting edge therapy that you will want to consider if you are diagnosed with brain cancer. Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski has developed an integrative cancer treatment protocol based on the use of peptides called “antineoplastons.” This treatment has proven to be very successful with many types of brain cancer.

It is important to do your homework.  Know your body, understand your risks and safeguard yourself in as many ways as possible from all forms of cancer and other serious disease.

Putting prevention techniques in place worldwide would reduce the incidences of cancer by more than half.  Big Pharma, Big Agra, and the Cancer Industry do NOT want you to know that.  They don’t want you to take care of your body and prevent the majority of cancers through natural methods such as lifestyle changes and diet.

That would affect their profits.  We can’t have that now, can we?

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