Sunday 14 June 2015


Molecular Hydrogen H2 vs. Alzheimer, Dementia, AUTISM, BIPOLAR, ADD, ADHD

I thought this was an interesting statistic I heard on the radio, 50% of the American people will have some type of mental health issue.

“WOW” that sure seems like a lot.

However, when I look back at the American diet and see what the parents are giving the kids to drink like, sodas, Gatorade, sports drinks, bottle water and tons of sugar sugar sugar I can see how this statistic of 50% of the American people will have some type of mental health issue could be true.

Of course, the advertisement was pushing a pill or drug that can help you have a clearer mind, “really” what they should have said is we can help you find the root of your mental health issue by first hydrating you with hydrogen H2 alkalized water, you see the root of the problem is dehydration, your brain is 80% water if it is dehydrated it will not work it is that simple.

I am sure some of you are thinking I drink a lot of water every day, that is good the problem is you are drinking water that is very acidic to the body and it is full of toxic chemicals, watch this short video you will see.

Understand Alzheimer, dementia, AUTISUM, BIPOLOR, ADD, ADHA are on the rise why is that, they say they have drugs that will help with these. The truth is drugs are not working; they are not addressing the root of the problem dehydration causes inflammation.

What is working? Scientific research is now saying that molecular hydrogen H2 (Kangen water) has the ability to penetrate the blood brain barrier in the brain, hydrate it, and neutralize the free radicals that are damaging the cells.

Those of you that are like me, I want to see the research, here you go:

Research on Bipolar, Autism, ADHD, ADD, etc.
Molecular hydrogen: an overview of its neurobiological effects and therapeutic potential for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia

Building the case for the Support of Treatment of Autistic Spectrum Disorders with Molecular Hydrogen

Molecular hydrogen: an overview of its
neurobiological effects and therapeutic potential
for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia

Molecular Hydrogen and its Potential Application in Therapy of Brain Disorders

How do you reverse inflammation of the brain by drinking hydrogen H2 alkalized water daily?

Here is a video of one of the top doctors; she is a brain specialist listen to what she says about molecular hydrogen H2 and how it has helped in all her clinics.

Those of you that know someone with some type of mental issue you really need to take the time to watch Dr. Allen this could possibly help him or her so share it it is free to share.

Dr. Allen Brain on Water full video

We actually give the water away for a few weeks to try for a few weeks, if you are out of the area we try to locate someone in your area that might have a device that makes the water it is free.

For more information

Bill & Emily Mabry

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Understand Blood pH and Cancer Prevention

Understanding Blood pH And It’s Critical Role In The Prevention Of Cancer

Remember back in high school chemistry when you learned about acid/alkaline balance, also referred to as the body’s pH (“potential Hydrogen” or “powers of Hydrogen”)? Our pH is measured on a scale from 0 to 14, with 7.35 being neutral (normal),  below 7.35 is acidic (with 0 being the most acidic) and above 7.35 is alkaline (with 14 being the most alkaline.

Hydrogen is both a proton and an electron. If the electron is stripped off, then the resulting positive ion is a proton. In short,  it is important to note that alkaline substances (also called “bases”) are proton “acceptors” (“+” charge) while acids are proton “donors” (“-” charge).

Since bases have a higher pH, they have a greater potential to absorb hydrogen ions and vice versa for acids.

In chemistry, we know that water (H2O) decomposes into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxyl ions (OH-). When a solution contains more hydrogen ions than hydroxyl ions, then it is said to be acid. When it contains more hydroxyl ions than hydrogen ions, then it is said to be alkaline. As you may have guessed, a pH of 7.35 is neutral because it contains equal amounts of hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions.

Over 70% of our bodies are water. When cells create energy via aerobic respiration, they burn oxygen and glucose. In simple terms, in order for the body to create energy it requires massive amounts of hydrogen.

As a matter of fact, each day your body uses about ½ pound of pure hydrogen. Even our DNA is held together by hydrogen bonds and since the pH of bases is higher, they have a greater potential to absorb hydrogen, which results in more oxygen delivered to the cells.

The hydrogen ion concentration varies over 14 powers of 10, thus a change of one pH unit changes the hydrogen ion concentration by a factor of 10. The pH scale is a common logarithmic scale. For those of you who never liked math, what this means is that a substance which has a pH of 5.2 is 10 times more acidic than a substance with a pH of 6.2, while it is 100 (10 squared) times more acidic than a substance with a pH of 7.2, and it is 1,000 (10 cubed) times more acidic than a substance with a pH of 8.2, etc…

Our blood must always maintain a pH of approximately 7.35 so that it can continue to transport oxygen. Thus, God has made our bodies resilient with the ability to self-correct in the event of an imbalanced pH level through a mechanism called the buffer system. In chemistry, a buffer is a substance which neutralizes acids, thus keeping the pH of a solution relatively constant despite the addition of considerable amounts of acids or bases. However, the American diet (United States) being full of junk foods, fast foods, processed foods, and sodas, puts the body through “the ringer” in order to maintain the proper pH in the blood. Although our bodies typically maintain alkaline reserves which are utilized to buffer acids in these situations, it is safe to say that many of us have depleted our reserves.

When our buffering system reaches overload and we are depleted of reserves, the excess acids are dumped into the tissues. As more and more acid is accumulated, our tissues begin to deteriorate. The acid wastes oxidize (“rust”) the veins and arteries and begin to destroy cell walls and organs. Having an acidic pH is like driving your car with the “check engine” light on. It’s a sign that something is wrong with the engine and if we don’t get it fixed, then eventually the car will break down.

According to Keiichi Morishita in his book, Hidden Truth of Cancer, as the blood becomes acidic, the body deposits acidic substances into cells to remove them from the blood. This allows the blood to remain slightly alkaline. However, it causes the cells to become acidic and toxic. Over time, many of these cells increase in acidity and some die.

However, some of these acidified cells adapt to the new environment. In other words, instead of dying (as normal cells do in an acidic environment) some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are called “malignant” cells, and they do not correspond with brain function or the DNA memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order. This is cancer.

Putting too much acid in your body is like putting poison in your fish tank. Several years ago, we purchased a fish tank and a couple of goldfish for our children. After killing both goldfish, we quickly learned that the key factor in keeping fish alive is the condition of the water. If their water isn’t balanced, then they die quickly. We also learned that you can kill a fish rapidly if you feed it the wrong foods! Now, compare this to the condition of our internal “fish tank.” Many of us are filling our fish tanks with chemicals, toxins, and the wrong foods which lower our pH balance, and an acidic pH results in oxygen deprivation at the cellular level.

So, what other things can we do to keep our tissue pH in the proper range? The easiest thing is to eat mostly alkaline foods. The general rule of thumb is to eat 20% acid foods and 80% alkaline foods. Fresh fruit juice also supplies your body with a plethora of alkaline substances. You can take supplements, such as potassium, cesium, magnesium, calcium, and rubidium, which are all highly alkaline.

Some excellent alkaline-forming foods are as follows: most raw vegetables and fruits, figs, lima beans, olive oil, honey, molasses, apple cider vinegar, miso, tempeh, raw milk, raw cheese, stevia, green tea, most herbs, sprouted grains, sprouts, wheat grass, and barley grass.

Foods such as yogurt, kefir, and butter are basically neutral. Several acid-forming foods are as follows: sodas, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, tobacco, aspartame, meats, oysters, fish, eggs, chicken, pasteurized milk, processed grains, sugar, peanut butter, beans, and pasta.

Saturday 6 June 2015

Dangerous ice cube into your drink

After You Read This Article You Will Never Want An Ice Cube Into Your Drink

Have you ever wondered what exactly is in ice cubes? In addition you can read what dangers can occur because of an ice cube.


Mold is the biggest problem. It can often be found in ice machines in restaurants and it can also grow in the refrigerators at home. This problem occurs when freezers are turned off then turned on again. This is why you always need to clean the refrigerator after it was turned off.


In case the water from which ice cubes are made is contaminated, it is very normal that ice cubes are contaminated as well. Keep in mind that ice cube molds can also be carriers of bacteria.

The infection can be transferred to other products such as meat. This is why you should always check the sanitary correctness when it comes to freezers and refrigerators and any other food linked machines.

A 2011 research has shown that 33% of ice samples taken from ice-machines in catering facilities have more bacteria than allowed. 72% of those were positive to coli form bacteria.

Bacteria from dirty hands can pass on to ice cubes

Most of the people are not aware of the risks of bad hygiene. 15-year old boy died in USA due to contaminated ice cubes. This could have been prevented only by washing his hands