Sunday 14 June 2015


Molecular Hydrogen H2 vs. Alzheimer, Dementia, AUTISM, BIPOLAR, ADD, ADHD

I thought this was an interesting statistic I heard on the radio, 50% of the American people will have some type of mental health issue.

“WOW” that sure seems like a lot.

However, when I look back at the American diet and see what the parents are giving the kids to drink like, sodas, Gatorade, sports drinks, bottle water and tons of sugar sugar sugar I can see how this statistic of 50% of the American people will have some type of mental health issue could be true.

Of course, the advertisement was pushing a pill or drug that can help you have a clearer mind, “really” what they should have said is we can help you find the root of your mental health issue by first hydrating you with hydrogen H2 alkalized water, you see the root of the problem is dehydration, your brain is 80% water if it is dehydrated it will not work it is that simple.

I am sure some of you are thinking I drink a lot of water every day, that is good the problem is you are drinking water that is very acidic to the body and it is full of toxic chemicals, watch this short video you will see.

Understand Alzheimer, dementia, AUTISUM, BIPOLOR, ADD, ADHA are on the rise why is that, they say they have drugs that will help with these. The truth is drugs are not working; they are not addressing the root of the problem dehydration causes inflammation.

What is working? Scientific research is now saying that molecular hydrogen H2 (Kangen water) has the ability to penetrate the blood brain barrier in the brain, hydrate it, and neutralize the free radicals that are damaging the cells.

Those of you that are like me, I want to see the research, here you go:

Research on Bipolar, Autism, ADHD, ADD, etc.
Molecular hydrogen: an overview of its neurobiological effects and therapeutic potential for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia

Building the case for the Support of Treatment of Autistic Spectrum Disorders with Molecular Hydrogen

Molecular hydrogen: an overview of its
neurobiological effects and therapeutic potential
for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia

Molecular Hydrogen and its Potential Application in Therapy of Brain Disorders

How do you reverse inflammation of the brain by drinking hydrogen H2 alkalized water daily?

Here is a video of one of the top doctors; she is a brain specialist listen to what she says about molecular hydrogen H2 and how it has helped in all her clinics.

Those of you that know someone with some type of mental issue you really need to take the time to watch Dr. Allen this could possibly help him or her so share it it is free to share.

Dr. Allen Brain on Water full video

We actually give the water away for a few weeks to try for a few weeks, if you are out of the area we try to locate someone in your area that might have a device that makes the water it is free.

For more information

Bill & Emily Mabry

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