Monday 4 April 2016



Image result for penyakit hati

Hati adalah salah satu daripada organ-organ penting badan dan ia adalah amat penting untuk kehidupan. Terletak di kuadran kanan atas abdomen, ia mempunyai banyak fungsi (sekitar 500 proses yang berbeza mengikut buku teks!), Termasuk detoksifikasi, sintesis protein, dan pengeluaran pelbagai biokimia. hati ini menyokong hampir setiap organ lain dalam badan dan sebagainya kesihatan hati adalah penting untuk kesihatan seluruh badan dan terdapat masa ini tiada organ tiruan atau peranti mampu mencontohi segala fungsi hati.

Image result for penyakit hati

Hati boleh menjadi rosak oleh tabiat buruk dan akibat ini boleh menjadi begitu serius untuk membawa maut. Namun satu perkara yang menarik mengenai hati adalah bahawa ia mempunyai kuasa untuk tumbuh semula. Dapatkan gaya hidup yang bersih dan dari masa ke masa ia boleh membina semula dan memulihkan. 

Berikut adalah 5 tabiat buruk yang paling penting yang boleh membahayakan hati anda

1. Berlebihan Alkohol Penggunaan

Ini adalah salah satu daripada punca yang paling biasa kerosakan hati. Gangguan yang disebabkan oleh pengambilan alkohol yang berlebihan termasuk hepatitis alkohol, hati berlemak dan sirosis. Alkohol adalah racun dan beban yang berlebihan pada hati mengambil tol yang berat.

2. Diet Dan Obesiti

Pemakanan yang tidak sihat boleh membahayakan hati secara beransur-ansur dari masa ke masa kerana ia perlu bekerja lebih keras untuk memproses buang toksin. Juga, penumpukan lemak pada hati boleh membawa kepada penyakit hati berlemak bukan alkohol.

3. Penggunaan Ubat Berlebihan

Ubat-ubatan tertentu adalah sangat tidak bagus dan boleh menyebabkan kerosakan hati - terutamanya paracetamol dan ubat-ubatan yang digunakan untuk merawat kanser. Juga banyak bahan-bahan tiruan adalah toksik kepada hati. Dalam kes-kes yang jarang berlaku, kegagalan hati dan kematian telah dikaitkan dengan ibuprofen.

4. Rokok (tembakau)

Merokok bukan sahaja membahayakan paru-paru tetapi juga merosakkan organ hati. Pelbagai bahan-bahan toksik dihidu dalam asap rokok mencari jalan ke hati dan menambah beban toksik keseluruhan diletakkan pada organ.

5. Tidak Mendapatkan Cukup Tidur

Ini sangat mengejutkan - Kajian dari sudut saintifik telah menunjukkan bahawa kekurangan tidur mempengaruhi hati untuk tekanan oksidatif, yang boleh memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pembentukan atau perkembangan jumlah penyakit. Kurang tidur juga telah dikaitkan dengan pelbagai penyakit lain termasuk neurobehavioral, kardiovaskular dan morbiditi metabolik, tekanan darah tinggi, aterosklerosis dan rintangan insulin

Saturday 2 April 2016

4 tanda saluran darah anda akan tersumbat....

Tubuh manusia mempunyai sistem dengan tanda-tanda amaran terbina di dalam tubuh badan daripada penyakit serius. Tanda-tanda berikut disenaraikan untuk panduan kita dan ada juga tanda-tanda ini yang tidak berapa sangat menonjol, yang memungkinkan bahawa lawatan ke doktor perlu diatur.

1. Sakit Kaki dan Kebas:. Sakit atau kebas di betis semasa anda berjalan boleh bermakna arteri tersumbat. Satu lagi ciri keadaan ini adalah kesakitan dan kebas apabila anda meletakkan kaki anda untuk berehat, juga dikenali sebagai claudication sekala.

2. Disfungsi erektil: Banyak kajian telah membuktikan bahawa mati pucuk di kalangan lelaki boleh menjadi penunjuk penyakit kardiovaskular akan berlaku. Jika anda tidak boleh mendapatkannya apabila anda biasanya boleh, ia mungkin masa untuk mencari punca yang mendasari bukannya menyematkan segala-galanya kepada mood dan pil-pil extra.

3. Kehilangan rambut: Kehilangan rambut, semasa ia kerap dikaitkan dengan penuaan, mungkin juga bermakna tahap trigliserida dalam aliran darah bermasalah. Trigliserida tinggi atau lemak tidak baik dalam aliran darah boleh menghalang peredaran yang betul, yang boleh menyebabkan kebotakan pada lelaki dan wanita.

4. Cuping telinga mengerutan: A cuping telinga berkedut pepenjuru, (singkatan untuk DEC), tanda yang pasti arteri tersumbat. Anda mungkin mengesan ia sebagai tanda kelahiran dengannya. Walau bagaimanapun, bersama-sama dengan petunjuk lain seperti umur, berat badan, dan jantina, kajian menunjukkan bahawa ia dikaitkan dengan faktor risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk "kalsifikasi arteri koronari," istilah perubatan untuk saluran jantung tersumbat.

Memberi perhatian kepada tanda-tanda ini dan mengambil kebimbangan kepada kesihatan perubatan profesional segera juga boleh menyelamatkan nyawa anda, kerana arteri tersumbat secara langsung berkaitan dengan kardiovaskular penyakit (jantung).

Thursday 10 March 2016


Apa Anda Dapatkan Dari Berjalan 30 Minit Sehari

Image result for senaman berjalan kaki

Mengambil senaman berjalan sehari adalah jenis seperti pepatah: Ada peluang yang baik ia akan buat anda terus jauhkan diri dari doktor. Dari membantu anda menurunkan berat badan dan menghilangkan tekanan untuk menurunkan tekanan darah dan mengurangkan risiko banyak penyakit kronik berterusan untuk berjalan biasa adalah salah satu perkara yang terbaik dan paling mudah yang boleh anda lakukan untuk kesihatan anda, kata Melina B. Jampolis, MD, pengarang buku baru Doctor on Demand Diet.  "Berjalan adalah jadi No. 1 Saya cadangkan kepada kebanyakan pesakit saya kerana ia adalah sangat mudah untuk dilakukan, tidak memerlukan apa-apa selain sepasang kasut tenis , dan ia mempunyai manfaat mental dan fizikal yang amat besar, "kata beliau. 

Image result for senaman berjalan kaki

Berikut adalah apa yang anda boleh jangkakan apabila anda mula berjalan selama 30 minit setiap hari, kebanyakan hari dalam seminggu.

1. Mood anda akan bertambah baik.

Yang ini mungkin kelihatan jelas, tetapi ia pasti manfaat gembira bagi mereka yang mula berjalan secara teratur, kata Jampolis. "Seperti yang anda terus berjalan, anda mungkin perasan seluar anda mula lebih longgar di sekitar bahagian tengah anda, walaupun jika nombor pada skala yang tidak bergerak banyak," kata beliau. "Ini kerana berjalan biasa boleh membantu meningkatkan tindak balas badan anda terhadap insulin, yang boleh membantu mengurangkan lemak perut." Ariel Iasevoli, pelatih peribadi di gimnasium Crunch di New York City, menambah bahawa berjalan setiap hari adalah salah satu yang paling berkesan cara berimpak rendah untuk menggerakkan lemak dan secara positif mengubah komposisi badan. "Berjalan tiap-tiap hari akan meningkatkan metabolisme dengan membakar kalori tambahan dan dengan mencegah kehilangan otot, yang amat penting apabila kita semakin tua," kata Iasevoli. Bahagian yang terbaik? Anda tidak perlu bekerja keras ia boleh berlaku pada treadmill di gimnasium untuk melihat manfaat ini. "Salah seorang pelanggan saya mengurangkan lemak badan sebanyak 2% hanya dalam satu bulan dengan berjalan pulang dari kerja setiap hari, yang hanya di bawah satu kilometer," kata beliau.

2. Kreativiti anda akan mula lebih terserlah.

Sama ada anda berasa terperangkap di tempat kerja atau anda telah mencari penyelesaian kepada masalah yang rumit, kajian menunjukkan ia adalah satu idea yang baik untuk mendapatkan bergerak: Menurut kajian 2014 dalam Jurnal Psikologi Eksperimen, Pembelajaran, memori, dan Kognisi , pergi untuk berjalan-jalan boleh mencetuskan kreativiti. "Penyelidik ditadbir ujian kreatif pemikiran untuk mata pelajaran manakala duduk dan ketika berjalan dan mendapati bahawa pejalan kaki berfikir lebih kreatif daripada golongan atas," kata Jampolis.

3. Seluar anda akan mendapat longgar sedikit.

Kajian menunjukkan bahawa berjalan biasa sebenarnya mengubah sistem saraf anda begitu banyak yang anda akan mengalami penurunan dalam kemarahan dan permusuhan," kata Jampolis. Apatah lagi, apabila anda membuat lapisan sosial anda-anda melangkah dengan, katakan, pasangan anda, jiran, atau rakan-yang baik interaksi membantu anda merasa sentiasa berhubung, kata Jampolis, yang meningkatkan mood. Akhir sekali, berjalan di luar rumah mendedahkan anda kepada cahaya matahari semula jadi, yang boleh membantu mencegah Affective Disorder Bermusim (SAD) -making ia penawar berpotensi untuk blues musim sejuk, kata Jampolis. (Membakar kalori dan membina otot-selama meningkatkan mood dengan 21-Day kami Berjalan Little, Kurangkan Cabaran Lot!)

4. Anda akan mengurangkan risiko penyakit kronik.

Statistik juga menarik: Persatuan Diabetes Amerika berkata berjalan kaki merendahkan tahap gula dalam darah anda dan risiko anda secara keseluruhan untuk kencing manis. Penyelidik di University of Boulder Colorado dan University of Tennessee mendapati bahawa berjalan biasa menurunkan tekanan darah sebanyak 11 mata dan boleh mengurangkan risiko strok sebanyak 20% kepada 40%. Salah satu kajian yang dinamakan pada berjalan dan kesihatan, yang diterbitkan dalam New England Journal of Medicine pada tahun 2002, mendapati bahawa mereka yang berjalan cukup untuk memenuhi garis panduan aktiviti fizikal (30 atau lebih minit aktiviti sederhana pada 5 hari atau lebih setiap minggu) mempunyai risiko 30% lebih rendah daripada penyakit kardiovaskular, berbanding dengan mereka yang tidak berjalan secara teratur. "Faedah fizikal berjalan didokumenkan dengan baik," kata Scott Danberg, pengarah kecergasan di Pritikin Longevity Center + Spa di Miami. Dengan keputusan yang memberangsangkan seperti ini, terdapat peluang yang baik anda akan mendapat pat di belakang dari dokumen anda pada pemeriksaan seterusnya.

5. Anda akan menyimpan kaki anda kelihatan hebat.

Apabila kita semakin tua, risiko kami varikos hodoh urat bertambah-ia hanya tidak adil. Walau bagaimanapun, berjalan adalah cara yang terbukti untuk mencegah orang-orang garisan hodoh daripada membangunkan, kata Luis Navarro, MD, pengasas dan pengarah The Vein Pusat Rawatan di New York City. "Sistem vena termasuk bahagian peredaran darah yang dikenali sebagai 'jantung kedua,' yang dibentuk oleh otot, urat, dan injap terletak di betis dan kaki kami," jelas beliau. "Sistem ini berfungsi untuk menolak darah kembali ke jantung dan paru-paru dan berjalan kaki menguatkan sistem peredaran darah menengah dengan mengukuhkan dan memelihara otot kaki, yang meningkatkan aliran darah yang sihat." Jika anda sudah mengalami vena varikos, berjalan setiap hari boleh membantu bengkak berkaitan kemudahan dan kegelisahan di kaki anda, kata Navarro. "Juga, jika anda secara genetik terdedah kepada mempunyai varikos dan / atau labah-labah urat, berjalan setiap hari boleh membantu melambatkan permulaan."

6. Anda akan mula untuk mendapatkan lebih "biasa."

Jika anda kini memuji kopi untuk mengekalkan sistem penghadaman anda akan kuat, bersedia untuk mula mengucapkan terima kasih kepada anda berjalan kaki pagi sebaliknya. Ini kerana rutin berjalan biasa banyak boleh meningkatkan mobiliti gastrik, kata Tara Alaichamy, DPT, ahli terapi fizikal Cancer Centers Rawatan Amerika. "Salah satu perkara pertama pesakit pembedahan perut diperlukan untuk lakukan adalah untuk berjalan kerana ia menggunakan teras dan perut otot, menggalakkan pergerakan dalam sistem GI kami," kata beliau.

7. Matlamat anda yang lain akan mula kelihatan lebih dapat dihubungi.

Apabila anda menjadi walker biasa, anda akan telah menubuhkan tetap rutin dan apabila anda mempunyai rutin, anda lebih cenderung untuk meneruskan aktiviti dan mengambil tingkah laku baru yang sihat. "Saya amat yakin bahawa berjalan dengan kerap boleh membantu anda untuk mencapai matlamat lain anda menetapkan minda anda untuk," kata Kim Evans, pelatih peribadi dan harian walker.


5 Perkara Yang Berlaku Untuk Badan Anda Apabila Anda Berjalan

Dan kamu menyangka ia adalah semudah satu kaki di depan yang lain. Ternyata ada banyak keseluruhan barangan yang baik berlaku setiap kali anda gunakan jalan raya.

Minit 1-5

Beberapa langkah pertama anda mencetuskan pelepasan bahan kimia yang menghasilkan tenaga dalam sel-sel anda untuk menjana berjalan kaki anda. kadar jantung anda revs daripada kira-kira 70 hingga 100 degupan seminit (bpm), meningkatkan aliran darah dan pemanasan otot. (Mahu cabaran? Cuba salah satu daripada 3 latihan berjalan kaki baru yang lemak letupan.) Apa-apa kekakuan reda sebagai cecair pelincir sendi pelepasan untuk membantu anda bergerak dengan lebih mudah. Seperti yang anda dapat bergerak, badan anda membakar 5 kalori per minit, berbanding dengan hanya 1 seminit berehat. Badan anda memerlukan bahan api yang lebih dan mula menarik dari karbohidrat dan kedai lemak.

Minit 6 hingga 10

Heartbeat meningkat daripada 100 kepada kira-kira 140 bpm, dan anda membakar sehingga 6 kalori minit seperti yang anda mengambil langkah. A sedikit tekanan kenaikan inblood adalah membalas dengan pelepasan bahan kimia yang mengembangkan saluran darah, membawa lebih banyak darah dan oksigen ke otot yang bekerja.

Minit 11 hingga 20

suhu badan anda semakin tinggi, dan anda mula berpeluh kerana saluran darah berhampiran kulit mengembang untuk melepaskan haba. Seperti berjalan kaki anda menjadi brisker, anda membakar sehingga 7 kalori seminit dan bernafas lebih keras. Hormon seperti epinephrine dan glukagon menimbulkan melepaskan bahan api kepada otot.

Minit 21 hingga 45

Rasa menyegarkan, anda mula untuk berehat ketegangan badan mengeluarkan anda, terima kasih di bahagian kepada dos bahan kimia rasa-baik seperti endorfin dalam otak anda. Seperti yang lebih banyak lemak dibakar, insulin (yang membantu menyimpan lemak) turun-baik berita untuk sesiapa sahaja berjuang berat badan yang berlebihan atau kencing manis.

Minit 46-60

Otot anda mungkin merasa penat kerana kedai karbohidrat dikurangkan. Seperti yang anda sejuk, penurunan kadar denyutan jantung dan pernafasan anda melambatkan. Anda akan membakar kurang kalori tetapi lebih daripada anda sebelum anda bermula. membakar kalori anda akan kekal tinggi sehingga 1 jam.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

30 minutes a day walking

The Incredible Results You Get From Walking 30 Minutes A Day

Taking a walk a day is kind of like that proverbial apple: There's a good chance it'll keep the doctor away. From helping you lose weight and de-stress to lowering your blood pressure and reducing your risk of many chronic diseases—going for regular walks is one of the best and easiest things you can do for your health, says Melina B. Jampolis, MD, author of the new book The Doctor on Demand Diet. (Try one of these 3 new walking workouts that blast fat and help you lose weight.) "Walking is the No. 1 exercise I recommend to most of my patients because it is very easy to do, requires nothing but a pair of tennis shoes, and has tremendous mental and physical benefits," she says. Here's what you can expect when you start walking for just 30 minutes every day, most days of the week.

1. Your mood will improve.

This one may seem obvious, but it's certainly a happy benefit for those who start walking regularly, says Jampolis. "As you continue to walk, you may notice your pants begin to fit more loosely around your midsection, even if the number on the scale isn't moving much," she says. "That's because regular walking can help improve your body's response to insulin, which can help reduce belly fat." Ariel Iasevoli, a personal trainer at Crunch gyms in New York City, adds that walking every day is one of the most effective low-impact ways to mobilize fat and positively alter body composition. "Daily walking increases metabolism by burning extra calories and by preventing muscle loss, which is particularly important as we get older," says Iasevoli. The best part? You don't have to slog it out on a treadmill at the gym to see these benefits. "One of my clients reduced her body fat by 2% in just one month by walking home from work each day, which was just under a mile," she says.


2. Your creative juices will start flowing.
Whether you're feeling stuck at work or you've been searching for a solution to a tricky problem, research shows it's a good idea to get moving: According to a 2014 study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, Learning, Memory, and Cognition, going for a walk can spark creativity. "Researchers administered creative-thinking tests to subjects while seated and while walking and found that the walkers thought more creatively than the sitters," says Jampolis.

3. Your jeans will get a little looser.

You know how sometimes it takes a glass of wine or a square (or three) of dark chocolate to blunt the edge of a rough day? Well, going for a walk is a zero-calorie strategy with the same benefits, says Jampolis. "Research shows that regular walking actually modifies your nervous system so much that you'll experience a decrease in anger and hostility," she says. What's more, when you make your walks social—you stride with, say, your partner, a neighbor, or a good friend—that interaction helps you feel connected, says Jampolis, which boosts mood. Finally, walking outdoors exposes you to natural sunlight, which can help stave off Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)—making it a potential antidote for the winter blues, says Jampolis. (Burn calories and build muscle—all while boosting your mood—with our 21-Day Walk a Little, Lose a Lot Challenge!)

MORE: 9 Proven Ways To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

4. You'll slash your risk of chronic disease.
The statistics are impressive: The American Diabetes Association says walking lowers your blood sugar levels and your overall risk for diabetes. Researchers at the University of Boulder Colorado and the University of Tennessee found that regular walking lowered blood pressure by as much as 11 points and may reduce the risk of stroke by 20% to 40%. One of the most cited studies on walking and health, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2002, found that those who walked enough to meet physical activity guidelines (30 or more minutes of moderate activity on 5 or more days per week) had a 30% lower risk of cardiovascular disease, compared with those who did not walk regularly. "The physical benefits of walking are well documented," says Scott Danberg, director of fitness at Pritikin Longevity Center + Spa in Miami. With impressive results like these, there's a good chance you'll get a pat on the back from your doc at your next checkup.

5. You'll keep your legs looking great.

As we age, our risk of unsightly varicose veins increases—it's just not fair. However, walking is a proven way to prevent those unsightly lines from developing, says Luis Navarro, MD, founder and director of The Vein Treatment Center in New York City. "The venous system includes a circulatory section known as 'the second heart,' which is formed by muscles, veins, and valves located in our calf and foot," he explains. "This system works to push blood back up to the heart and lungs—and walking strengthens this secondary circulatory system by strengthening and preserving leg muscle, which boosts healthy blood flow." If you already suffer from varicose veins, walking daily can help ease related swelling and restlessness in your legs, says Navarro. "Also, if you are genetically predisposed to have varicose and/or spider veins, walking daily can help delay the onset."

MORE: 4 Moves To Slim Your Hips And Thighs

6. You'll start to get more "regular."
If you currently praise coffee for keeping your digestive system going strong, get ready to start thanking your morning walk instead. That's because a regular walking routine can greatly improve gastric mobility, says Tara Alaichamy, DPT, a physical therapist at Cancer Treatment Centers of America. "One of the very first things an abdominal surgery patient is required to do is to walk because it utilizes core and abdominal muscles, encouraging movement in our GI system," she says. (Check out these 7 things your poop says about your health.)

7. Your other goals will start to seem more reachable.
When you become a regular walker, you will have established a regular routine—and when you have a routine, you are more likely to continue with the activity and take on new healthy behaviors. "I firmly believe that walking regularly can help you to accomplish other goals you set your mind to," says Kim Evans, a personal trainer and daily walker.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Alkalized Ionized Water is a Scam...? Then Nature Must be Too.....

If Alkalized, Ionized Water is a Scam, Then Nature Must be Too!

If you’re inclined to think that ionized, alkalized water is a “scam” then you don’t know a whole lot about nature at all.  Water produced through a quality ionizer is designed to mirror water that’s naturally found in just a few places in the world.  If you think that ionized water is a scam then I guess you think that nature is too.

The Electrical Charge:  Water flowing through the springs at Lourdes, France or Tlacote, Mexico is often labeled “water with life” (in part) due to the negative electrical charge that it gains through its robust journey through nature.  A similar negative charge takes place when lightning strikes water.  This charge gives water incredible healing properties.  This water has “life” that you can’t find in a bottle or a tap.

Water with a negative charge serves to balance the natural voltage of the human body that we lose as we age.  This negative charge is necessary to fight disease AND it serves as the most powerful anti-oxidant in the world!  “Water with life” is precisely what the body needs.  You can’t find that in a plastic bottle or a Brita-type filter. “Water with life” is only available in a few places in the world BUT it can be reproduced with a very high electrical charge through ionization.  That’s not a scam…it’s just replicating nature.

The molecular structure:  When water is exposed to a strong enough electrical charge, the molecular structure is changed.  High voltage electricity produces “dissociation of water” which means that the molecule clusters are drastically reduced from their normal size and they become small enough to be absorbed  at the cellular level.  It’s no wonder that the millions of people who visit Lourdes, France and Tlacote, Mexico each year report (almost) immediate results and relief just by drinking the water.  Nature is NOT a scam. 

The alkalinity:  Water that travels through the earth (or through the glacier mountains) naturally picks up minerals along the way. “Water with life” is high in alkaline by nature.  The right ionizer uses the natural minerals found in your source water to produce pH levels from 8.5 pH to 9.5 pH.  This is referred to as “akalized” (versus alkaline) because the results are produced with electricity. No added minerals are necessary to achieve these levels IF the electrical charge of your ionizer is sufficient.

Adding minerals to get a higher alkaline level is child’s play and could ultimately wreak havoc on your health if you over alkaline the body.  Stay clear of an ionizer that has a separate mineral filter necessary to modify the pH of your water.  Electricity is the key…not mineral filters.

So you see?  Ionization is no more “a scam” than nature is!  All water is not created equal and now that you know the difference my hope is that you’ll choose “water with life” for you and your family.   Drinking ionized, alkalized, electrically charged, anti-oxidant water could be the very best thing that you will ever do for your health.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

How to Reduce Your Risk of Stroke

How to Reduce Your Risk of Stroke

Stroke, which is akin to a heart attack in your brain, is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States.1 Obstructed blood flow to your brain is known as an ischemic stroke, which represent about 75 percent of all strokes. When an artery that feeds your brain with blood actually ruptures, it's called a hemorrhagic stroke, and this is a far more lethal situation.

Fortunately, up to 80 percent of all strokes are preventable through lifestyle factors2 such as diet, exercise,3, 4 maintaining a healthy weight, normalizing your blood sugar levels and blood pressure, and quitting smoking.

For example, research published last year5 found that if you're inactive, you have a 20 percent higher risk for having a stroke or mini-stroke (transient ischemic attack) than people who exercise enough to break a sweat at least four times a week.

Recent studies also highlight the importance of getting sufficient amounts of vitamin C and iron in your diet. Interestingly, certain weather conditions have also been linked to increased rates of stroke, and getting appropriate amounts of sun exposure can help protect against it, in more ways than one.

Getting Enough Vitamin C May Help Reduce Risk of Hemorrhagic Stroke

The first featured article6 reports the preliminary findings of a French study, which found that those with vitamin C deficiency are at an increased risk for a lethal hemorrhagic stroke. According to the article:

"'Our results show that vitamin C deficiency should be considered a risk factor for this severe type of stroke, as were high blood pressure, drinking alcohol and being overweight in our study,'" study researcher Dr. Stéphane Vannier, M.D., of Pontchaillou University Hospital in France, said in a statement.

'More research is needed to explore specifically how vitamin C may help to reduce stroke risk. For example, the vitamin may regulate blood pressure.' ...[P]ast studies have also linked vitamin C with reduced stroke risk.

A 2008 University of Cambridge study found people with high blood levels of vitamin C reduced their stroke risk by 42 percent, and a similar 1995 study in the British Medical Journal indicated elderly people with low levels of the vitamin had a greater risk of stroke."

What's the Best Way to Optimize Your Vitamin C?

The ideal way to optimize your vitamin C stores is by eating a wide variety of fresh whole foods. A number of people, primarily with the naturopathic perspective, believe that in order to be truly effective, ascorbic acid alone is not enough.

They believe the combination of the ascorbic acid with its associated micronutrients, such as bioflavonoids and other components. Eating a colorful diet (i.e. plenty of vegetables) helps ensure you're naturally getting the phytonutrient synergism needed.

One of the easiest ways to ensure you're getting enough vegetables in your diet is by juicing them. For more information, please see my juicing page. You can also squeeze some fresh lemon or lime juice into some water for a vitamin C rich beverage.

When taking an oral vitamin C, you also want to be mindful of your dosing frequency. Dr. Steve Hickey, who wrote the book Ascorbate, has shown that if you take vitamin C frequently throughout the day, you can achieve much higher plasma levels.

So even though your kidneys will tend to rapidly excrete the vitamin C, by taking it every hour or two, you can maintain a much higher plasma level than if you just dose it once a day (unless you're taking an extended release form of vitamin C).

Iron Deficiency Can Raise Stroke Risk in Certain Individuals

Recent research also suggests that iron deficiency can increase your risk of ischemic stroke if you have hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, a hereditary disease that causes enlarged blood vessels in your lungs. Iron deficiency increases the stickiness of your blood, which increases your risk of blood clots, and in those with this genetic abnormality, such clots can travel through your lungs and into your brain.

According to the study in question, published in the journal PLOS One,7 even having moderately low iron levels can double your stroke risk if you have this condition. According to the researchers, other health conditions may also permit blood clots to bypass the filtration system of your lungs. Study author Dr. Claire Shovlin stated that:

"The next step is to test whether we can reduce high-risk patients' chances of having a stroke by treating their iron deficiency. We will be able to look at whether their platelets become less sticky. There are many additional steps from a clot blocking a blood vessel to the final stroke developing, so it is still unclear just how important sticky platelets are to the overall process. We would certainly encourage more studies to investigate this link."

Sun Exposure Also Plays Multiple Roles in Stroke Prevention

Another nutrient that is very important for stroke prevention is vitamin D. According to research presented at the American Heart Association's (AHA) Annual Scientific Sessions in 2010,8 low levels of vitamin D—the essential nutrient obtained from sun exposure—doubles the risk of stroke in Caucasians.

While many opt for vitamin D3 supplements to raise their vitamin D level, I strongly recommend optimizing your levels through appropriate sun exposure or by using a safe tanning bed (i.e. one with electronic ballasts rather than magnetic ballasts, to avoid unnecessary exposure to EMF fields). Ideally, you'll want to maintain your vitamin D level within the range of 50-70 ng/ml year-round.

Vitamin D3 supplements are best used as a last resort, as they will not provide you with any of the other health benefits associated with sun exposure... If you do opt for a supplement, the most recent research suggests the average adult needs to take about 8,000 IUs of vitamin D per day in order to elevate their levels above 40 ng/ml, which is the absolute minimum for disease prevention.

If you opt for a supplement, you also need to make sure you're getting sufficient amounts of vitamin K2, as it works synergistically with vitamin D and activates matrix GLA protein, which inhibits arterial calcification. That said, exposing your skin to sunlight will also suppress your risk of stroke by altering the level of nitric oxide in your skin, which dilates your blood vessels and normalizes your blood pressure.9

Previous research10, 11 has shown that reducing your systolic blood pressure by 20 millimeters (regardless of how high your blood pressure currently is) decreases your risk of stroke by 50 percent. Reduce it by another 20 mm, and you cut your individual risk in half yet again. One way to naturally reduce your blood pressure is through exercise. Another is by making sure you're getting enough sun exposure. According to Martin Feelisch, a professor of experimental medicine at the University of Southampton in southern England:12

"Avoiding excess sunlight exposure is critical to prevent skin cancer, but not being exposed to it at all, out of fear or as a result of a certain lifestyle, could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease."

Interestingly, previous research13 also suggests that inducing nitric oxide (NO) actually helps protect your skin against UV damage... Another crucial element in the normalization of blood pressure is to address insulin and leptin resistance, which is present in about 80 percent of the population from eating far too many carbohydrates and not getting enough exercise. If you have high blood pressure and are overweight, your first step would be to eliminate all grains, sugars, and processed foods, and increase healthy fats, like avocado, coconut oil, butter, and nuts.

Weather Changes Influence Stroke Rates

In related news, yet another recent study claims there's a link between weather conditions and stroke hospitalization rates. The researchers speculate that meteorological factors such as fluctuations in temperature and humidity may act as stressors. As reported by Medical News Today:14

"Lichtman and her team analyzed the medical records of 134,510 patients hospitalized in 2009-10 with ischemic stroke, which is caused by a blood clot blocking the blood flow to the brain. They then cross-referenced this data with meteorological records of temperature and dew point data from this period.

The team found that large daily temperature changes and higher-than-average air moisture were linked to higher hospitalization rates from stroke. Lower-than-average annual temperatures were also associated with death and hospitalization from stroke. [Lichtman says] 'People at risk for stroke may want to avoid being exposed to significant temperature changes and high dew point and, as always, be prepared to act quickly if they or someone they know experiences stroke signs and symptoms.'"

Don't Depend on Your Cholesterol Level to Assess Your Stroke Risk

High cholesterol is an oft-cited risk factor for stroke, but total cholesterol alone will tell you virtually nothing about your disease risk, unless it's exceptionally elevated (above 330 or so, which would be suggestive of familial hypercholesterolemia, and is, in my view, about the only time a cholesterol-lowering drug would be appropriate). It's also well worth noting that cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins have been found to increase your stroke risk, and previous research also suggests that having too little cholesterol in your blood may increase your risk of stroke.

According to research published in 1999,15, 16 individuals with cholesterol levels above 230 milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg/dL) had an elevated risk of ischemic stroke. For example, a person with a cholesterol level of 280 mg/dL had twice the risk of ischemic stroke as a person with 230 mg/dL. But they also found that as cholesterol dropped, the risk of more lethal hemorrhagic stroke increased significantly instead. A person with a cholesterol level below 180 mg/dL had twice the risk of that type of stroke compared with someone at 230 mg/dL.

So, with regards to cholesterol, what you want is proper balance between your HDL, LDL, and total cholesterol. This is best achieved through a healthy diet, as outlined in my Nutrition Plan, and exercise. Two ratios that are far better indicators of heart disease risk are:

Your HDL/total cholesterol ratio: HDL percentage is a very potent indicator of your heart disease risk. Just divide your HDL level by your total cholesterol. This percentage should ideally be above 24 percent. Below 10 percent, it's a significant indicator of risk for heart disease
Your triglyceride/HDL ratios: This ratio should ideally be below 2
Lifesaving Information: How to Recognize a Stroke

A stroke doesn't advertise its pending arrival, which makes prevention all the more important. That said, getting medical help quickly can mean the difference between life and death or permanent disability, should you or someone you love suffer a stroke. This is an area where conventional medicine excels, so please do NOT delay in getting medical attention.

In the case of ischemic stroke, there are emergency medications that can dissolve a blood clot that is blocking blood flow to your brain. If done quickly enough, emergency medicine can prevent or reverse permanent neurological damage—but you typically need treatment within one hour, which means the faster you recognize the signs, the better the prognosis. The National Stroke Association recommends using the FAST acronym to help remember the warning signs of stroke:17

F = FACE: Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?

A = ARMS: Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?

S = SPEECH: Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Does their speech sound slurred or strange?

T = TIME: If you observe any of these signs, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Other Stroke-Prevention Guidelines

It's important to realize that the vast majority—up to 80 percent, according to the National Stroke Association—of strokes are preventable, so your lifestyle plays a major role in whether or not you're going to become a statistic here. Besides the specific nutritional factors discussed above, other lifestyle factors that can have a direct impact on your stroke risk include:

Exercise will go a long way toward improving your insulin and leptin receptor signaling, thereby normalizing your blood pressure and reducing your stroke risk. I recommend a comprehensive program that includes Peak Fitness exercises along with super slow strength training, Active Isolated Stretching and core work. If you've had a stroke, exercise is also very important, as research shows it can significantly improve both your mental and physical recovery.18
Processed meats: Certain preservatives, such as sodium nitrate and nitrite found in smoked and processed meats have been shown to damage your blood vessels, which could increase your risk of stroke. I recommend avoiding all forms of processed meats, opting instead for organic, grass-fed or pastured meats.
Diet soda. Research presented at the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference in 2011 showed that drinking just one diet soda a day may increase your risk of stroke by 48 percent. Ideally, strive to eliminate all soda from your diet, as just one can of regular soda contains nearly twice my recommended daily allowance for fructose in order to maintain good health and prevent disease.
Stress. According to a 2008 study,19 the more stressed you are, the greater your risk of suffering a stroke. The researchers actually found that for every notch lower a person scored on their well-being scale, their risk of stroke increased by 11 percent. Not surprisingly, the relationship between psychological distress and stroke was most pronounced when the stroke was fatal.
My favorite overall tool to manage stress is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Other common stress-reduction tools with a high success rate include prayer, meditation, laughter and yoga, for example. For more tips, see my article "10 Simple Steps to Help De-Stress."

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and birth control pills. If you're on one of the hormonal birth control methods (whether it's the pill, patch, vaginal ring, or implant), it is important to understand that you are taking synthetic progesterone and synthetic estrogen -- something that is clearly not advantageous if you want to maintain optimal health. These contraceptives contain the same synthetic hormones as those used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which has well-documented risks, including an increased risk of blood clots, stroke, heart attack, and breast cancer.
Statins. Statin drugs are frequently prescribed to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. However, research shows that these cholesterol-lowering drugs actually increase your risk of a second stroke if you've already had one. There are two reasons why this might happen: the drugs may either lower cholesterol too much, to the point that it increases your risk of brain bleeding, or they may affect clotting factors in your blood, increasing the bleeding risk.
Chances are greater than 100 to 1 that you do not need a statin drug. Seventy-five percent of your cholesterol is produced by your liver, which is influenced by your insulin levels. Therefore, if you optimize your insulin level, you will automatically optimize your cholesterol. For a refresher on how to do this, please see my recent article, "Statin Nation: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up."

Grounding. Walking barefoot, aka "grounding," has a potent antioxidant effect that helps alleviate inflammation throughout your body. The human body appears to be finely tuned to "work" with the Earth in the sense that there's a constant flow of energy between our bodies and the Earth. When you put your feet on the ground, you absorb large amounts of negative electrons through the soles of your feet.
High-sugar diets, smoking, radiofrequencies, and other toxic electromagnetic forces, emotional stress, high cholesterol, and high uric acid levels are examples of factors that make your blood hypercoagulable, meaning it makes it thick and slow-moving, which increases your risk of having a blood clot or stroke.

Grounding helps thin your blood by improving its zeta potential. This gives each blood cell more negative charge which helps them repel each other to keep your blood thin and less likely to clot. This can significantly reduce your risk of stroke. Research has demonstrated it takes about 80 minutes for the free electrons from the earth to reach your blood stream and transform your blood, so make it a point to regularly walk barefoot on grass or on wet sand for about 1.5-2 hours, if possible.